Saturday 26 February 2011

Alexander Wang model line up.

grey day,

H&M leggings, 
American Apparel vest
Topshop Chunky Cardigan 

I really love these leggings, they remind me of horse riding leggings and until i can afford to buy some proper ones from american apparel (£70) i have to wait and do with these, but to be fair they look nice with a plain vest or jumper x

Friday 25 February 2011

Brighton Vintage

im from the unighted kingdom and i live in a little city by the sea called Brighton, its pretty well known and very trendy, its like a mini LDN, anyway we have tones of vintage shops here! and i just thought ide show you a few picsss of my favorite one! its called 'Kate & Aud' its a lovely womens vintage boutique with little hangy things and rare finds and beautiful treasures, i love its outside with its hanging shearling coats and womens blouses, satchels and necklaces, and inside is even better! its soooo cute and the staff are super nice and smiley, i allways go in there because they allways have new things, and they have an awsome selection on vintage boots which are amazingly my size! which is rare (size 3) anyway enough on the talking, take a look,...

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Kate Bosworth For NYLON

I really like this shoot, its all boho chic, and bright and beautiful, her hair aswell! i just love the plaits and everything! tis' wonderful, someone buy me these and dress me up xxx

Thursday 17 February 2011

Off Duty.

ooooh i just love all of these loooks, when searching though i allways get carried away...